Production Management Suite Vendor Integration

The DFM Production Management Suite controls the flow of food through your kitchen, from receipt of inventory to distribution and service of a finished product. Through automated purchasing functions, the DFM System generates purchase orders according to your vendor's delivery schedule, allowing adequate lead time to fill each item. Generating purchase orders based on forecasted requirements and/or predefined reorder levels increases order accuracy.

DFM offers two options to interface with your vendors to enhance the automated purchasing process -- an electronic Price List Update and a Vendor Order Interface.

Price List Update

The Price List Update feature allows you to automatically update the current order price for each of your inventory items in The DFM System from an electronic file provided by the vendor. Your vendor may provide you with the electronic price list file on diskette or via modem. Once the file is loaded, DFM will process through the vendor's file and update each of your inventory items with the current catalog price. No more surprises when you call in your order or receive your invoice! 

Vendor Order Interface

DFM also offers you the option to have a custom interface developed with your prime vendor. The Vendor Order Interface allows you to automate such functions as sending a purchase order prepared by The DFM System directly to the vendor, receiving confirmation that the ordered items are or are not available, and processing electronic invoices. In other words, the Vendor Interface truly automates the ordering and receiving process. Think about the amount of time that this valuable feature can save your food buyer!

Vendor Editor Screen

Inventory Editor Screen

Inventory Reorder Report Screen

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